3. N. Health Psych shuns quantitative exams for subjective Biblical interpretations

N. Health Psych shuns quantitative exams for subjective Biblical interpretations

During recent questioning, Northern Health's Psychiatry department revealed that a "Head of Psychiatry" had banned the use of readily available quantitative psychological exams for his/her own subjective Biblical interpretations.


During recent questioning, Northern Health's Psychiatry department revealed that a "Head of Psychiatry" had banned the use of readily available quantitative psychological exams for his/her own subjective Biblical interpretations.

The issue arose when a psychiatrist from Northern Health was promoted to "Head of Psychiatry" upon a complaint being filed against him/her with a number of Provincial agencies.

 Second opinon on that psychiatrist's "medical opinon" of the complainant suggested that the original diagnosis more closely resembled Catholism's "Holy Trinity" than any known human example.

"We're not a fan of science anymore,"  one anonymous physician was overheard repeating "science does not serve our publics interest."

Bu haber toplam 2491 defa okunmuştur


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